Frequently Asked Questions

First, you have been called to the best mission in the world!!

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions from newly called missionaries.

1. What is the weather like in Honduras?
The weather varies from cool mountainous regions to humid and extremely hot sea level areas where the temperature averages 95 degrees.

2. Should I bring a 2 year supply of insect repellant?
No, insect repellant is provided by the mission. However, the repellant available in Honduras contains only 15% Deet. If you are allergic to Deet (or would like a higher percentage) you can bring your own or have it shipped to you once you arrive in the mission field.

3. Should I bring bedding?
Although your mission call booklet may indicate that bedding will be provided, we suggest bringing your own. Bedding is difficult to find and expensive to buy in Honduras. If you are unable to bring your own bedding, we will provide it and deduct the cost from your first 3 missionary allowances.

4. Will I be able to communicate with my family when I arrive in Honduras?
Yes! You will be able to send a short email to your family the day you arrive in Tegucigalpa.

5. What day of the week do I communicate with my family?
P-day is Monday. You will be able to e-mail your family each Monday.

6. What is the food like in Honduras?
Beans, rice, tortillas, chicken and eggs are the most commonly eaten foods in Honduras. There are also a wide variety of locally grown fruits and vegetables, which missionaries are encouraged to eat after learning to wash them properly.

7. I hear that Honduras is a dangerous country. What can I do to stay safe?
Honduras is a wonderful country with many good and kind people. Like most countries, there are dangerous areas and dangerous activities. As missionaries we avoid both. By obeying the mission rules and following the guidance of the spirit missionaries receive great protection. You will learn from experienced companions how to safely go about your missionary work.

8. Are missionaries able to attend the temple.
Missionaries are able to attend the temple once every 6 months with the members of their zone. A missionary is also able to attend the endowment session or sealing of their own converts.

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